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تنقسم الكورسات إلى أجزاء و هي كالتالي
Ruby Programming Basics
Learn Google Go Lang
Javascript and jQuery Basics for Beginners
Java Programming for Mobile Developers
Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 14 days
و في ما يلي تجزيء الكورس مع مدة كل درس
Ruby Programming BasicsBeginning with Basics
Introduction (4:17)
Getting Ruby (2:33)
Hello World, Puts and Gets (5:47)
Interactive Ruby Prompt, Int, Float and String (8:02)
Variables and Constants (6:16)
If, elsif, and else (7:35)
If and unless Statement Modifiers (3:49)
Special variable types ($ @ and @@) (5:52)
Loops in Ruby (10:27)
Ruby Classes and Properties
Classes, Properties and Methods (10:15)
attrreader, attrwriter and attr_accessor (6:28)
Inheritance in Ruby (5:57)
Method Access Discussion (5:59)
Method Access Demo (7:26)
Google Go LangGetting Familiar
Course Introduction (2:43)
Installing Go (5:20)
Verifying the Install with hello.go (5:48)
Getting Package Documentation (3:39)
Data Types and Declaration (8:53)
Program Structure with Global Var Declaration (6:52)
Declaring Multiple Variables on Single Line (2:44)
Introduction to Functions (4:26)
Returning Multiple Values from a Function (4:14)
Naming Return Values (2:42)
Variadic Parameter List (5:19)
Recursive Functions (6:08)
Conditional Statements and Loops
Finding the Average of an Array (8:35)
For Loops - Part 1 (5:42)
Range and Len of an Array (5:49)
If, else if, and else (7:30)
Switch without Conditional (4:26)
Switching on a Variable (3:07)
Switch with Combined Cases (4:38)
Maps, Pointer and More
Intro to Slices (7:05)
The Append Function (4:40)
Returning a Slice from a Function (7:32)
Learn Maps (10:23)
Learn Structures (5:24)
Introduction to Pointers (6:39)
Demo on Pointers (5:35)
Passing Function Parameters by Reference (5:38)
Functions, Methods and More
Buffered String Read from stdin (9:18)
Using Scan and Scanln for Input (11:18)
Structure Initialization and Method Syntax (11:05)
Using Defer (3:58)
Function Types (3:05)
Closure Demo – Fibbonacci Numbers (4:39)
Interfaces (6:21)
Javascript and jQuery Basics for BeginnersIntroduction
Introduction to Javascript
Overview and Basic Setup
Course Overview
Basic Setup
Variables and Primitive Types
Numbers Demo
Variables Demo
Strings Demo
String Methods Demo
Object Types
Arrays Demo
Functions Demo
Objects Demo
Control Flow
Conditionals Demo (7:36)
Looping Demo (6:57)
Errors (7:54)
Document Object Model (DOM)
Elements and Attributes
Function Calculator Exercise
Introduction to jQuery
jQuery - Intro and Setup
Selectors, Events and Effects in jQuery
Selector's Demo (6:11)
jQuery Events Demo (6:24)
jQuery Effects Demo (6:28)
jQuery Animations Demo (7:15)
DOM in jQuery
DOM Content Demo
DOM Structure Demo
DOM Traversal Demo
AJax with jQuery
Ajax Demo Part 1Ajax Demo Part 2
Java Programming for Mobile DevelopersIntroduction to Java
Downloading Java
Downloading Intelli J IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA Overview
Basic Information
The Main Class Demo
Output DemoInput Demo
Preview of Classes, Finding Information about a Class
Classes and Objects Demo
Data Types Demo
Modifiers Demo
Methods in Java
Class Modifiers and Subclass
Final Classes
Method syntax, getters and setters
Static Properties and Methods
Conditionals and Loops
If Statementif and else Statements
Switch Statements
while and do loops in Java
Infinite loops in Java
For Loops in Java
Interfaces in Java
What is an Interface?
Declaring and Using Interfaces
face Example using downcasting from Object
Arrays - Composite Types
Overview of Arrays
Declaring and Using Arrays
Some Useful Methods of the Arrays ClassUsing the for-each (for-in) loop
Arrays - Collections
Collections, ArrayList Discussion
Demo of Array Lists
HashMaps Discussion
Demo of Hash Maps
Mobile - Installation of Java and Developer Tools
Android Applications OverviewA Simple Hello World App
The Activity Lifecycle
Activity Lifecycle Demo
Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 14 daysIntroduction to the course
Introduction to PHP Requirements (7:11)
Getting XAMPP and Brackets Starting Server (2:36)
First PHP Script (5:53)
Variable in PHP (5:00)
Conditional Statements (10:02)
Loops in PHP (9:13)
Object Oriented Features
Functions in PHP (5:42)
Require Include and some String Functions (9:13)
Classes Overview (7:09)
Scoping Rules and the Global Keyword (3:35)
Static Properties (9:26)
Arrays and Variables
Arrays in PHP (10:35)
$_SERVER Variables in PHP (5:55)
$_GET in PHP (4:08)
$_POST in PHP (2:49)
$_REQUEST in PHP (3:56)
MySQL Database Insight
Using PHPMyAdmin (5:01)
Sample Database (1:59)
Connecting to MySQL (5:11)
Inserting to MySQL, and Wrapup (6:47)
Introduction and Installation of MySQL
Installing MySQL (5:33)
Showing Creating and Using Databases (2:46)
Creating Tables Inserting and Showing Data (6:26)
MySQL Data Types (12:47)
Creating an Auto Incrementing Primary Key (8:06)
MySQL Basic Statments
Describe Table Syntax (3:58)
Loading SQL Files into MySQL (6:55)
Select Query Syntax Introduction (6:34)
Select Query Demo (5:15)
MySQL Advanced Statements
MySQL Update Query (3:15)
Mathematical Operations (6:06)
DISTINCT, COUNT and GROUP by Clauses (4:02)
Table Relationships (7:47)
Introduction to Joins (5:55)
MySQL Advanced Statements Part 2
The Delete Query (4:36)
Types of Joins (6:04)
Joins Demo (4:36)
Creating and Using Views (2:43)
Setting up a Many to Many Relationship (4:36)
Demo of Many to Many Relationship (6:32)
Javascript Introduction and Overview
Introduction to Javascript (4:59)
Course Overview (3:38)
Javascript Overview (6:09)
Variables and Primitive Types
Numbers Demo (5:47)
Variables Demo (4:57)
Strings Demo (6:21)
String Methods Demo (6:26)
Object Types
Arrays Demo (5:38)
Objects Demo (6:39)
Functions Demo (6:47)
Control Flow
Conditionals Demo (7:36)
Looping Demo (6:57)
Errors (7:54)
إذن لننتقل الآن إلى طريقة الاستفادة من الدورة التعليمية
أولا قم بالدخول إلى العرض من هنا " كورس تعلم صناعة الألعاب كالمحترفين مجانا "
سيطلب منك الموقع التسجيل قم بالتسجيل عن طريق الفيسبوك " الطريقة الأسهل "
اضغط على (GET IT (FREE ، سيطلب منك بعدها  مشاركة العرض على الفيسبوك او تويتر ، قم بمشاركته
بعد ذلك اضغط على GET IT ثم اتجه إلى بريدك الإلكتروني الذي أنشأت به حساب الفيسبوك الذي أنشأت به حساب علىى هذا الموقع ههه 
ستجد رسالة تطلب منك التفعيل ، قم بتفعيل طلبك
سيوجهك إلى صفحة على الانترنت ستجد فيها اربع مربعات فارغة أمام كل واحدة منها كلمة send أكتب ايميلك هناك ثمم اضغط على send
اتجه إلى بريدك الإلكتروني من جديد ، هذه المرة ستجد أربع ايميلات قم بتفعيل كل واحد منها و مبروك عليك 
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